New Delhi: Currently filming ‘Bade Achhe Lagte Hain 3’, Nakuul Mehta has just jumped on the bandwagon of ‘Men In Skirts’ trend. The actor uploaded a video of himself dancing his heart out. The actor defied stereotypes by donning a skirt while dancing to a hit song with trendsetter Jainil Mehta. It’s safe to say that Nakuul Mehta and dancer Jainil Mehta’s contribution to the #MenInSkirts challenge (a social media challenge in which men wear skirts to defy gender stereotypes) is the most popular thing on the Internet right now.
Nakuul Mehta posted his dancing video with the caption: “I found @jainil_dreamtodance on a BRUT video sashaying gloriously to Dholi Taro on the streets of New York a few months ago and was instantly drawn to his spirit and art. He apparently on the other side of the 7 seas would end his days with his daily dose of his favourite show, Bade Achhe Lagte Hain. That called for a celebration to one of our favourite songs #MenInSkirts”.
The video shows him dancing to ‘Hawaa Hawaa’ from Rockstar. Nakuul danced beautifully to the music while wearing a colourful, voluminous skirt with frills all over it.
After Nakuul posted the video, Jainil responded, saying “There was no way we could not have met & danced together!”
Nakuul’s dancing performance has gone viral on the internet, and viewers can’t get enough of their hero.
Actor Karanvir Bohra wrote, “Soo graceful.” One user wrote, “Just two Men breaking stereotypes! Always in awe of you!” another one wrote, “Throwing toxic masculinity out of the window with every move… Cheers,” “Patriarchy and misogyny left the chat,” praised the third user.
For the unversed, Jainil Mehta is a popular New York-based choreographer who started the #MenInSkirts trend on Instagram.
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